And then, I started liking it…


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I have a beautiful family, both the one I was born with and the one that I chose. I had a super comfortable job which allowed me financial independence unlike anyone else of the same age in my peer group, and also gave me a stature in the society… and then I came to a B-School.

I left it all behind, temporarily to say the least, and so far, it has been life changing.

I found a new family here- and as irreplaceable as my old families are- this one’s a total nut job! There are about 10 of us in the self-proclaimed ‘Spammers Gang’ and each one’s crazier than the other. Each one has its own issues, each one is fighting their own fight, each one has its own ups and down, and yet at the end of the day, when we head to Swathi sometimes… all is forgotten. The classes. The FAS. The assignments. The Moodles. The placements. While alcohol strings us closer, it’s the love and respect we have for each other’s individuality that binds us the closest.

I found a younger sister in my roommate. I learned how it’s totally possible for two people to be so similar and yet exactly opposite. It’s not oxymoronic, it’s what defines my roommate and I.

I found few seniors who keep helping me and guiding me.

I found people I knew would be there for the rest of my life. At least I hope so.

It wasn’t like this always- it took about 100 days, and I’m still unable to comprehend some people’s way of functioning here. I have come to respect their individuality, which believe me, was one of the hardest things to do for someone like me, who’s been living in the cocoon and comfort of her house, has been hanging out with same people since years and hasn’t had a lot of challenges per se.

For the first month, I hated it. Absolutely hated it. I loved lazing around at my house, and being at the top of division at my firm allowed me to have certain flexibility when it came to my timings. I used to sleep when I wanted, have people over when I wanted and well, waste time as and when I wanted. Not here, though. Here, every minute counts. Even as I write this piece, I’m thinking of opportunity-cost; I should be reading the case for tomorrow’s class! Has this place killed my time for writing, something that drives me like nothing else?

No. Quite the contrary. I get to write here. A lot. Just not a lot of informal pieces, which is okay. After all, I’m here to learn. Being in the Literary and Media committee of my school has its own perks- I get to follow my passion of churning out one word after the other, and see my MS-Word page fill up with art.

Not to mention, I also write for my school’s HR blog, which allows me to not just write, but also write around the subjects that circle Human Resources, which is another thing I absolutely love.

And so, I started liking it a bit. And then some more. Sure, there are some subjects I absolutely loathed, but there were so many things I loved and I was getting to do! After all, when has life given all you ever wanted?

And so, I started enjoying the place a bit more (minus the rains. I’ll never fall in love with the downpour). I started noticing how each sunset has a different vibe here. I started going out a bit more. I started worrying a little less. I started living the B-School life.

See what I mean? If you’re in a B School for all the right reasons, there’s no better platform for you to showcase your creativity. It’s a misnomer, really- it’s not just about business. It’s about honing every skill you have, at every opportunity you get. It’s about getting out of comfort zone. It’s not just a degree; MBA is an experience.

(Image credits: Anand Menath)

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